Djerba , the island that symbolizes touristic Tunisia, the island of calmness. It is known for its fantastic architecture and the hospitality of its inhabitants with the visitors seeking sunshine and beaches. Houmt souk , the island’s main area and port , is open onto the Meditteranean , and has preserved its hall-mark with its « loggias » houses , its vanlted galleries, its mosques ; in short, its charm.
The Punic , Romans, Normans , Spanish and Ottomans , all fought to lay hands on this island. In certain places , you can find distinctive signs of each civilization , such as Ottoman mosque , Spanish fort , or the Ghriba synagogue.
Apart from its rich past, Jerba offers its visitor today the best , namely tolerance.
Djerba , the island of lotophagi, is accessible through « AJIM » or « EL-KANTARA » , the ancient roman roadway.
Djerba is the most famous tourist destination of the Mediterranean.
Visit : The « Ghriba » synagogue , sacred place of the Jewish religion .
It contains a Torah that is unique of its kind. Jewish villages :
Essouani and Euradh , or Hara Kbira and Hara Sghira.
Pottery of Guellala : Center of pottery handicrafts ( Jars and other recipients , earthen ware .. )
Fish sale by auction in Houmt Souk :
weighed and put in a chaplet according to its weight, the fish is then sold by auction. The « dallels » or public auctioneers just look at the silent buyers. They increase the bids on a simple wink. It’s really impressive.
Museum of Arts and popular traditions. Turkish fort, built by the spanish in 1560.