
Tozeur marks the beginning of the desert ; Its 1600 date palms make of it an oasis of freshness and quietude. The rustle of the cascades and the whisper of the wind take you into a mirage of senses and fragrance.

The city of Tozeur has its typical minarets . It enjoys a clear sky, and has a nice oasis where you can find a score of villages .

Several springs meet at « Ras – El – Ain » to create a river which a clever system of irrigation, conceived by the famous mathematician of the region Ibn Chabbat distributes into seguias.

In Tozeur , we admire the gardens , with its exuberant vegetation that spreads out a canopy of greenery.The alleys have not undergone much change since the XIth century : high walls without windows and calm places , bordered with archs.

Do not leave Tozeur without taking with you the Famous gypsun flower gathered by the caravaneers in the desert, and without admiring the ancestral techniques of traditional handicrafts.

(wool blanket ; camelhair burnous ; basket in palm tree fiber .. ).

Visit The zoo ; Dar Chraiet museum ; Tamaghza.

In the palm-tree, initiate yourself into the method of gathering of dates. You will taste these fruits in the mildness of the morning.


Imagine you go back in history . Imagine you are familiar with the court of the beys , these famous manarchs , of ottoman origin, who governed Tunisian for more than 250 years .

Imagine that you dive into the daily bedouin life of the region.

The « Dar Chraiet » musuem in Tozeur is all of that and even more .

It reconstitutes the architecture and the decoration of a Tunisian palace .

There , you can see jewels exhibited under glass , clothes , silver coffers, ceramics, ornamentally written holy books , and wonderful old sundries .

Lay figures are set in the rooms , reconstituting the Bey’s audience , traditional marriages or the work of craftsmen ( shoe-makers , hatters, weavers , tailors … )

After this trip into the heart of the Arab Muslim tradition , you will relax in the attraction park of « one thousand and one night. »


An oasis suspended at the side of the mountain , it presents us with an extraordinary ruiniform aspect.

Tamerza , represents a phenomenon of nature in the middle of the aridity of the desert. It is the last stage of a long historical course which took it from the side of « oued khangat » up to its present location .

The outcome of this historical arm-wrestling is today nothing but the ruins of a village fixed on a promontory and standing out against a series of mounts.

Devastated by the floods of 1972 , the old village of Tamerza was deserted, and its inhabitants went to settle in a modern village. This place had its glorious time in the VIIth century, when the Arab made of it a prosperous city and a center for cultural and spiritual influence .


Seventy Kms away from Tozeur , at the heart of the oasis , Tamerza Palace looks majestically onto the old village of Tamerza. The hospitality, generosity and smiling faces of the people of the south give the hotel the marvellous character of a residence where you can enjoy extreme pleasure.

The 65 rooms , including 5 junior suites Marhaba , an ambassador suite and a presidential suite, make of Tamerza Palace a convivial residence where you can really fell the jois de vivre .

All the rooms are oriented toward the old village , fascinating with its simplicity and charm. The wrought iron harmonizes with the traditional woodworks to endow the city with a typical decoration. The hotel offers modern services ( air-conditionning – bathroom equipped with hair-dry and scale , fridge-bar, television , telephone , alarm clock …)

The dishes, served in a panoramic restaurant, or near the swimming – pool under a sunshade, are exquisite.

The terraces offer a breathtaking view of the old village by night , and make you feel like dreaming , meditating , writing, painting or simply keeping silent and merging into the magic of the place .